Monday 17 June 2024
American analyst in interview with Qodsna:

Student crackdown erodes electoral support for Biden/ October 7 onset of end for Zionist state

The editor of the Pan-African News Wire told Qodsna that the October 7, 2023 retaliatory attack on the Zionist regime opened a chapter, which will be the beginning of the end for the Zionist entity.

Tehran, Qodsna – American expert Abayomi Azikiwe said in an exclusive interview with the Qods news agency that the US support for the Zionist genocidal war on Gaza as well as the Biden administration’s involvement in the crackdown of pro-Palestine student protests will end up in eroding the incumbent president’s electoral support in the upcoming presidential election in the US.


The whole interview comes as follows:


Qodsna: What are the impacts of campus protests on US policies?


Abayomi Azikiwe: These demonstrations over the last few weeks have placed the administration of President Joe Biden on the defensive. Although Biden claims the White House wants a ceasefire, they continue to say that their support for Israel remains "ironclad." US foreign policy is dependent upon the existence of the State of Israel to maintain its hegemony over the West Asia and North Africa regions. With the university students demanding a total economic break between higher educational institutions and the settler-colonial regime, it illustrates that the decades-long propaganda which seeks to make it appear as if Israel is the only "democracy" in the regions, is starting to collapse. Zionism is being viewed as a racist ideology which should be rejected by freedom-loving peoples around the world. It is quite clear that the Biden administration has coordinated attacks on encampments erected in solidarity with Palestine on college and university campuses. More than 3,000 students and professors have been arrested during the recent period. These repressive measures have eroded electoral support for the re-election of the Biden-Harris ticket.



Qodsna: Why does Israel continue the war on Gaza despite failing to achieve its goals?


Abayomi Azikiwe: The regime is in a desperate situation. With the failure to defeat the resistance forces in Gaza after seven months of attacks compounded by the worldwide protests against their military aggression, they are in fear of a weakening of the Zionist project. Other states in the West Asia region embody resistance forces which are carrying out operations against the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The Hezbollah Resistance forces, those operating in Iraq and Syria are formidable. Also, the Yemeni resistance has imposed a blockade against Israeli and its allied states in the Red Sea, is creating a situation which the US and its allies cannot handle. The Biden administration has become solely dependent upon military tactics in West Asia along with other geopolitical regions such as Ukraine in Eastern Europe, China in the far east and on the Southern border with Mexico.


Qodsna: What would be the impact of the ICJ ruling on the war on Gaza?


Abayomi Azikiwe: The ICJ in its January ruling stated that the claims by South Africa against Israel that they are engaging in genocide are plausible. The ICJ must issue stronger orders. If the Zionist government does not respond, they should be expelled from the United Nations. This was done against the former apartheid regime in Southern Africa decades-ago due to its governing system which was based on racial discrimination and national oppression. An ICJ ruling demanding immediate action under the threat of expulsion and sanctions would be a major legal victory for the people of Palestine along with Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Qodsna: What would be the future of Palestine and the war on Gaza?


Abayomi Azikiwe: These mass demonstrations around the world in solidarity with Palestine have lifted the anti-imperialist movement to new heights. Although the IDF, which is supplied with warplanes, bombs, intelligence gathering technology and diplomatic cover by the US government, has killed over 35,000 Palestinians, wounded tens of thousands more and displaced the entire population, the resistance forces have continued their attacks against the IDF. Many are saying that developments since October 7 represent the beginning of the end for the Zionist state. The overwhelming majority of people internationally support the Palestinian cause. This can only bode well for the struggle to liberate Palestine.

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