Friday 14 June 2024

considering the future of resistance after seventy-one years of occupation in the anti-Zionist meeting:Abu Sharif: Against all conspiracies, like Balfour's promise, the deal of the century, I must say that our reliance is on God/Al-Qudumi: We changed the "Nakba" day to the "Victory" day

The meeting of the anti-Zionist resistance horizons was held Wednesday morning at 11:00 am after the seventy-one year of occupation on the occasion of the Nakaba day (Palestine occupation day) by the Palestinian People's Defense Forces and the collaboration of the Quds news agency.

The meeting of the anti-Zionist resistance horizons was held Wednesday morning at 11:00 am after the seventy-one year of occupation on the occasion of the Nakaba day (Palestine occupation day) by the Palestinian People's Defense Forces and the collaboration of the Quds news agency.

According to the Qudsna correspondent, this  conference on the occasion of Nakba day (Palestine's occupation day), titled Horizons of anti-Zionist resistance, was held after seventy-one years of occupation with the presence of the representative of the Palestine Islamic Jihad Nasser Abu Sharif and the representative of the Hamas Palestine movement Dr. Khalid al-Qodumi.


This meeting looked at the future status of the Palestinian Resistance and the nation, with the passing of seventy-one years of the Nakba Day, and sought to review the comparative situation of Palestine and the Zionist regime in the current situation after a massive plots of conspiracy and genocide and warring.


At the beginning of the meeting, Nasser Abu Sharif, a representative of the Palestine Islamic Jihad movement, referred to the history of Nakba's Day, saying that, against all conspiracies, such as Balfour's promise, the deal of the century, we must rely on divine promise.


He added: "As the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran has said, today war is the battle of wills, and in the meantime, the will of God is superior.


Khalid al-Qodumi, representative of the Islamic resistance Movement "Hamas", also spoke in Farsi, said: "Our enemy is not Iran.


Referring to the size of US plotting against the axis of resistance, he said, "the dense set of US plots does not make it possible."


He continued, it is true that they imposed on us the day of Nakba, but we must say that we, the Palestinians, made this day a victory day.

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