Wednesday 19 June 2024
Palestinian scientist in interview with Qodsna:

Israeli regime’s failure in all fronts shows it is in its last days

A Palestinian author and scientist told the Qodsna that the failure of the Zionist regime in all fronts in the face of resistance fighters in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen shows it is experiencing its last days.

Jerusalem Post:

Israel drops out of top 10 millionaire destinations for first time in decades

"The ongoing war has not only shattered Israel’s image as a safe haven but also threatened to overshadow its economic achievement," said a senior client advisor.

US warns Zionists against Iran retaliation if Tel Aviv enters war with Hezbollah

A special envoy of the president of the United States stated that a war between the Zionist regime and Lebanon’s Hezbollah could lead to a military conflict between Iran and the Tel Aviv regime.

8,663 Zionist troopers suffer psychological and physical injuries

Zionist sources reported that since the onset of the war on the Gaza Strip some 8,663 Zionist troopers have been transferred to rehabilitation centers.

US designates Iraqi resistance group as terrorist organization

The Department of State of the United States has issued a statement, announcing that it designated the Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya (HAAA) and its secretary general as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs).

Palestinian scientist in interview with Qodsna:

Israeli regime’s failure in all fronts shows it is in its last days

A Palestinian author and scientist told the Qodsna that the failure of the Zionist regime in all fronts in the face of resistance fighters in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen shows it is experiencing its last days.

Clashes erupt in anti-Netanyahu protests

No end in sight to protests against Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right cabinet as Zionists keep pressing their demand for an agreement with the Palestinian resistance for the release of captives held in the Gaza Strip.

Tel Aviv regime assassinates Hezbollah commander

The Zionist regime has assassinated one more commander of the Hezbollah Resistance Movement, in continuation of its crimes in southern Lebanon, news sources reported.

New developments regarding Zionist onslaught on Gaza

Five more children are among dozens of Palestinians martyred in Zionist attacks on central and southern Gaza over the past 24 hours.

Iran FM spokesman censures advocates of criminal Zionist regime

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has said that those, who falsely claim to be champions of human rights, have given the “criminal Zionist regime” the immunity to continue killing Palestinian people and children in Gaza.

Zionist army creating division for retirement-age reserves

The Zionist regime’s army is creating a new division for reservists over the retirement age of 40 to meet the “urgent need for more troops.”

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