Saturday 01 June 2024
American analyst in interview with Qodsna:

Imam Khomeini’s legacy gave birth to Axis of Resistance

An American political expert and investigative journalist told Qodsna that late Imam Khomeini’s legacy nurtured struggle against imperialism and Zionism.

Gaza: Martyr toll surges to 36,379 martyrs

The health ministry in Gaza said on Saturday that the Zionist regime’s occupation army committed five massacres in different areas of the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours, killing at least 95 civilians and injuring over 350 others, while a large number of victims are still under the rubble of bombed buildings or lying on roads.

Lebanese, Palestinian resistance movements pound Zionist positions

The Lebanese Islamic resistance and the Palestinian resistance, in their separate operations, have targeted the Zionist army bases in the northern front of occupied Palestine and the front of the Gaza Strip.

Zionist lawmaker urges Israeli police to arrest Joe Biden

Tally Gotliv, a member of the Zionist regime’s Knesset, filed a complaint with the police of this regime, demanding the arrest of President of the United States Joe Biden.

Tehran hosts int’l conference of ‘Gaza; Oppressed, Resilient’

Iran’s capital city Tehran hosted an international conference called “Gaza; Oppressed and Resilient” on Saturday morning.

Iran acting FM:

Zionist regime’s crimes in Gaza will not be without cost

Iran’s interim foreign minister has said in a telephone conversation with Qatar’s prime minister that Zionist “crimes in Gaza will not be without cost.”

US police arrest 80 pro-Palestine students at University of California, Santa Cruz

US police officers arrested 80 pro-Palestine students, who held a sit-in at the campus of the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), director of news and media relations of the university said.

American analyst in interview with Qodsna:

Imam Khomeini’s legacy gave birth to Axis of Resistance

An American political expert and investigative journalist told Qodsna that late Imam Khomeini’s legacy nurtured struggle against imperialism and Zionism.

Libya joins legal procedures against Zionist regime at ICJ

Libya’s representative to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Ahmed Al-Jahani, has said that the Hague-based court has accepted his country’s request to join South Africa's genocide case against the Zionist regime.

Hezbollah leader:

Zionist genocide in Gaza awakening world public opinion

Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Sayyed Hassan Naarallah Netanyahu and his lunatics continue their war of extermination, met with the silence of nations and rulers; however, these crimes are awakening the world.

US-backed Zionist regime’s genocide in Gaza enters day 238

As the US-backed Zionist regime’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip entered day 238 on Friday, aerial and artillery strikes continued to pound and target different areas and massacre more civilians.

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