Saturday 04 May 2024

Mosul, victory of
regional resistance

Hussein Rouyvaran


“Iraqi victory over Daesh in Mosul was paramount to the victory of the regional axis of resistance over the axis of compromise and surrender,” an Iranian political expert told the Qods News Agency (Qodsna).


Hussein Rouyvaran added however that the opposite side would not relinquish the field and rather would poise for another attack “though for the moment it has no morale or capacity for a new attack”.


Rouyvaran said the situation was an opportunity for the axis of resistance to expand its capacity and aim for a similar victory in Syria against the terrorist Daesh.


In another regard, Rouyvaran said the status of Daesh would transform into a security situation from military one following Mosul liberation.


“Daesh would change into an underground establishment,” he said, adding however that the change would not be free from challenges as Daesh contrary to al-Qaeda believes in over-ground establishment. “It has neither the face to return to the status of al-Qeda not to the formation of another caliphate,” he said.


The political expert cautioned the Iraqi government that social consent should be enhanced in Iraq in the post-Daesh era so that people would help the government in overcoming the threat of Daesh.


The expert argued that the Iraqi people have overlooked social welfare so as to provide the Iraqi government the necessary capacity for countering the terror group however welfare would turn into an absolute priority in the post-Daesh era.


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